Troubleshooting Residential Garage Doors


A garage can be considered a luxury in most residential areas. It's a great way to keep your vehicle protected from the elements and also gives you a room to store outdoor items when they are out of season. For the most part, garages will not give you stress unless they are damaged in some way. One of the things that will require repair is the door for the garage since they go through so much wear and tear each time you use the garage.

13 December 2019

Is A Side-Sliding Garage Door A Good Option?


The old garage door you have had in place on your home for decades is finally starting to look a little out of place, so it is time to start looking at your options. Luckily, modern engineering in garage doors will yield you no shortage of interesting choices for your home. One type of garage door you will likely come across is a side-sliding garage door. If you've only ever used an overhead garage door, the snazzy operation of a side-slider is bound to pique your curiosity, but is this the best choice for your home?

3 June 2019