Three Ways To Maintain Your Garage Door


While you can hire a professional to service your garage door from time to time, there are some things that you can do on your own. Here are three ways that you could maintain your garage door over the years. Apply Lubricant To Moving Parts Anything moving parts made out of metal should be lubricated. When it comes to your garage door, lubrication makes the parts move much easier and limit the possibility that you'll need an emergency repair done.

5 December 2018

Three Reasons Your Garage Door Opener Shakes And Sticks


When your garage door starts rattling and shaking when it opens or closes, there are many places you can begin to look for the problem so that you can effectively work on garage door opener repair. While you should hire a trained technician to look at your garage door system for you, the good news is that most fixes for this problem are simple and generally aren't the result of any major problems.

26 September 2018

Garage Door Technicians – Do You Need Their Help?


You have probably heard a little about people needing to call for assistance from a garage door technician once in a while. If you are not sure when it might be time for you to call for some professional assistance, you will want to keep reading. There Is A Lot Of Noise Coming From The Door When Using It You really should not hear a lot more noise than you are used to hearing when you open and close the garage door.

22 May 2018

Garage Door Options: Materials And Styles


Installing a new garage door leaves you with a lot of options. You need to choose the best material and style of door for you and your needs. Here is a guide to your garage door options!  Materials You have a lot of options when it comes to the material that you will use to build your garage doors. Some of the most popular options are steel, wood, and fiberglass

15 February 2018